Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tuesday - July 15th
Capital Reef National Park

One of the places we passed through and didn't really have time to explore. Also, some big thunderstorms were moving in so we thought it best if we just kept moving to our evenings destination. We did however,  get some great Go Pro footage so maybe I'll add some later :-)

Tuesday - July15
Goblin Valley State Park

A very unique landscape found in the middle of nowhere in Utah. It's one of those places that you really want to have to see and go there. Not likely you'll pass through the area going somewhere :-)  Met a real cool Ranger from Georgia working the Visitor Center.

Monday - July 14th 
Canyonlands National Park

This National Park is known as the "Island in the Sky". It sits on the top of a long butte and extends down to where the Colorado and Green Rivers converge, thousands of feet below. It is primarily a hiking, biking and off-road paradise with roads open to 4-wheel drive vehicles exclusively that take one to the very bottom of the valley.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Monday - July 14th   
Dead Horse Point State Park

Dead Horse Point State Park is so named as a result of a gruesome event that took place way back in the late 1800s. The point is approached by a narrow section of land roughly 30 yards wide. A group of cowboys herded wild mustangs out onto the point and then closed off the narrow section with a makeshift fence made from gathered brush and timber. Then they culled out the finest horses that they wanted and left the rest penned in to die of dehydration.

The location looks down on the Colorado River 2000 feet below.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Sunday - July 13th       Arches National Park

It was 110 degrees today so we left for the park about 6 pm when it was only 104. Still had a great time but worked up a sweat regardless of the "dry heat" :-)

Tomorrow, we'll be at Dead Horse Point State Park and Canyonlands National Park :-)

Our site at Spanish Trail RV Park in Moab, UT.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Saturday - July 12th   
Natural Bridges National Monument

Our night camping at Natural Bridges National Monument was our first experience at "dry camping" .... no hook-ups of any kind (no air conditioning). The 98 degree heat of the day was hard to deal with especially with lugging the camera and tripod up and down trails. However, this one night rare occasion marked what is called a "Super Moon" where the full moon is as close to the earth as it can possibly be. It appears larger tonight than at any time we see it. It rose just after sunset and was as bright as the sun almost. It produced some eerie video as you can see.